wildlife corridor companioning

rewilding psyche; rejoining the world as mammal, as kin

a place to walk, crawl, be carried, slither, root, tend, breathe, feel.

as we rewild our living world, restoring safer passage via wildlife corridors for animal kin. we too are mammals that might consider the corridors we journey with as ecological and psychological beings of nature, not from it. corridor companioning connects and roots us with our inner and outer landscapes, to the more-than-human worlds we share the planet and are interdependent with. thresholds of metamorphoses, resilience, full spectrum feeling and experiencing, care and belonging; rewilding the psyche.

we explore with the five tenets of ecopsychology as a foundation (viridis graduate institute, Dr, Pye)

  • that everything depends on constant exchanges of energy; that we may learn to embrace (even expect) and live-with flux, making-with; that we co-shape each other and the environment.

  • how all ecosystems require diversity and multiplicity to flourish. that new ideas expand our sense of beingness and embeddness on a shared planet. diversity brings new psychic space and the possibility of psychological flourishing.

  • how decay and decomposing (even ideas/beliefs we have outgrown or been indoctrinated with) help create and renew psychic space similar to how the planet is continually unmaking and remaking itself. how might we relate to erosional processes, earthquakes, mountain making and season shifts? how do we relate to psychological death?

  • how do we change, be changed, make change. how do we remain flexible. learning how our brains are plastic and continually changing by the way we pay attention, attune and participate.

  • it really is all relationship. seeing our ecologies as ecosystems and all the other ecosystems we encounter. restoring care, meaning and awareness. to involve ourselves in involution affects evolution. we are active participants in the web of life. who do we want to be having this understanding?

1:1 companioning

1:1 corridors support getting to know patterns, deepening trust and embodying ecological ongoingness through attention, excavation, curiosity, honestly, humification, unmaking and remaking in the service of ecopsychological flourishing and beingness.

community corridor

elephant herds move together, not just for survival but for knowing. touching trunks in greeting, rumbling earth with their calls, standing in silent witness when one of their own is grieving. presence is an offering.

group work gathers in the spirit of the herd—to see and be seen, listen and be listened to. no need to fix or solve, only to be with each other in the shifting landscapes of our lives. whether you are in a season of composting or emergence, this is a space to explore in the company of others who are also making their way and to remember yourself in relation.

partnership corridor

enduring, growing, becoming together. relationship as a verb. an ongoingness. an unfolding, sharing, a flourishing together. ecologizing partnering.

‘to be a being, alive in the middle of forever’

— r.gay